2 More days of being single... I'm excited and surprised to find out Mister is excited too! He rushes me off the phone last night to say "OMG! We are getting married" with a huge grin. I was like "Yeah... who would have known. I didn't even plan on staying with you this long cause i didn't think you were the marrying type." He agreed and said his friends can't believe it. But I can look at his stats
4 kids
4 different women (including me)
Mad child support
Constant bad times
Terrible gig
1 child (with him)
Great job and moving up
Positive attitude
If you were him... what would be the point of putting yourself back on the market. You are a terrible liability and have nothing to offer someone new. Unless homegirl was…
- 42
- with 5 kids
- from 5 different men
- and getting no child support
- and couldn't find a job
- and never had a good day in her life
Then you'd look like Prince Charming
Why not marry me? I already love you and care about your situation. I can’t do anything to change that at this point...
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10 years ago
wow we really are in the same boat.i take it yall live together already.do his kids live there? baby mama drama? dont just leave me hanging.give me something!! lol
Yeah we've been living together about 5 or 6 years now. We have just filed for custody of his oldest daughter who is 16. She lives about 2hrs away but we are always getting calls like this
"Yeah I just called to let you know J got hit by a car but she's fine."
or this lovely one recieved about a month ago
"Yeah J got shot but it just grazed her. They let her out the hospital today. Bye"
We all used to be cool until I got pregnant. She used to call me. I'd send money. J was always visiting. Then I got pregnant, with a boy at that and then BM flipped out. There's been no drama since b/c I told her not to call my house any more if she couldn;t respect me on the phone that I pay for. She is only allowed to call in extreme emergencies. Like shootings...
Middle child - Don't know where she is. Gov't takes the child support from his check but he doesn't see her. He tried for a relationship with her but it appears the little girl is not really his so homegirl is like Carmen Sandiego. I don't press for more info. He basially shuts down when I try to. So I leave it alone. He'll talk about it if he wants to. Besides her supporrt is the lowest of three so not gonna rock that boat. So I keep my mouth shut.
Youngest lives about 5 minutes away. I have no problem with her mother. I tried to be her friend. We talked for hours and made plans to get the kids together and she never showed up. He had told me she was like that and I was going to get my feelings hurt. So that was it. No hard feelings. She gets her child support. He gets to see his daughter when she doesn't stand him up. She changes her number damn near every month. But she's not a problem. His feelings are hurt but I'm not rocking that boat either. The less Baby Mama Drama the better.
wow i thought i was in a hectic situation wit my bf and his baby mamas. yeah if i was him i would stick wit you too cuz at least you understand what hes going thru and truly cares
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