There are certain health issues that you don't really think about until something goes wrong and then when something goes wrong it is impossible for it to be a little something. Like your eyes. You don't think about eye HEALTH so much. You get your yearly exam so you can renew your contact prescription, or you want to change your look and go for new glasses. But when it is an actually health issue with your eyes it sucks!
My contacts created a scratch on my eye and OMG! Agony. It hurt to open my eye. It hurt to keep it closed. It burned and it stung and it ached. And it was BLOODSHOT. Like look me in my right eye... normal upstanding citizen. Look me in my left eye... straight up crackhead.
And this all started with vanity. I knew the trial pair the Dr gave me was not working out. But... I had bought these aviator shades and people were sweating me left and right... All my friends... Any where I went girls commenting on how hot they were. Driving down the street dudes beeping at me on every block. I HAD to have my shades on. Knowing that these contacts were not the right fit I was gonna wear them until I "had a chance to go back to the eye doctor."
Well... eventually I had no choice. I couldn't wait one more second. One of my tenants is an eye doctor. I ran in that office all frantic like "You gotta help me..." (LOL. I wonder how many times a week they hear that.) The lenses weren't not supplying my eyes with enough oxygen. Cells clustered under the surface = bump = scratch = me with the burning red eye = my nerdy glasses... no hotness no beeps... just my red eye and nerd glasses..
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10 years ago
happened to me and i was not prepared for my nerd glasses to make their was like i was 15 again,people making fun of me calling me cokebottles *sniff
Omg, this happens to me atleast twice a year and the first time, I just cried all day because I thought I was going blind! If I didn't have to wear contacts I wouldn't. But I need them to correct my funny shaped cornea or I'd be bumping into people, walls and spiders. Yea, my vision is that bad. lol
Lol i have never had this issue because i have never had the urge to wear contacts. Its something about puttin my finger on my eyeball that just makes my stomach turn. The the shades dilemma came up and everyone was wearing thos big shades but then I happened to change up where i got my regular glasses from and went somplace new and they had the big prada shades and my insurance covered it so im good. I just cant put my fingers in my eye so contacts arent even an option for me
Pigskin loving lady - Isn't it the worst! I have to admit I sleep in my lenses a lot. I'm so bad. And I know what will happen... But you know for the past week I haven't. It's just a matter of time before I slip up again though.
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